About Us

Mission Statement:  Our mission is to optimize the neurological health and well-being of our clients through genetic analysis and functional medicine protocols.
Nikki Drummond, CCN

Clinical Nutritionist & Owner

Austin-native Nikki Drummond is a Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist (CCN) who specializes in advanced laboratory analysis and holistic means to help resolve neurologic problems. As the founder of NeuroFit Nutrition, Nikki works with patients, professionals, and physicians to apply leading-edge nutritional protocols in the treatment and prevention of various conditions that originate at the cellular level. Nikki believes that many health problems facing people today reflect an unidentified nutritional imbalance rather than a lack of willpower or self discipline. Consequently, she develops customized nutrition-based protocols for adults and children suffering from sleep disorders, fatigue, weight gain, anxiety, depression, insomnia, ADD/ADHD, memory problems and other brain-related issues. Her philosophy is to be a proactive advocate for wellness through nutrition and lifestyle modification, and relying on long-term pharmaceutical drug therapies only as a last resort.

“I am passionate about empowering my clients to make more informed decisions in managing their health in today’s disease-centered health system. YOU are your own best health advocate.


Joseph Drummond, PharmD

Compounding Pharmacist & Co-Owner

Joseph is a Central Texas native who specializes in compounding pharmaceuticals and drug-induced nutrient depletions. He has a strong passion for delivering individualized patient care through creative formulas, and has developed numerous hormonal, dermatologic, pediatric, pain-management and veterinary compounds as a sterile and non-sterile compounding pharmacist. He incorporates a holistic approach to wellness and has a broad knowledge of nutrition and functional medicine to improve patient wellness. Joseph is a published cancer researcher and is currently studying Anti-aging Medicine through A4M.

A healthy mind creates a positive experience.